The Wofford Equestrian Team is officially back in action with the first of four spring shows under their belts. The team traveled to Brooklet, Ga., to compete in a show hosted by Georgia Southern University on Jan. 31 and came back with five ribbons despite large classes, challenging horses and steep competition.
Though some riders are currently inactive due to injury or studying abroad, the team has grown since its last show in November. Seven riders competed in Georgia, including two of the team’s newest three members, Crawford Anderson ’18 and Lauren Jones ’17. While both are experienced equestrians, it was the first time either of them had competed in an intercollegiate IHSA show.
“It was a completely new experience for me!”saysJones.“I really liked competing with a team and having people there to support me.”
Grace Edwards ’18 was the team’s most successful rider with first and second place ribbons in her jumping and flat classes. Mary Margaret Holden ’18 earned fourth and sixth place ribbons in her classes, and Sarah Madden’17 placed fifth in her flat class.
Large classes made placing very difficult, says Abby Umberger ’17, with classes as large as 13 riders competing for only six ribbons. The competition is even stiffer for riders trying to qualify for regionals in March: ribbons correspond to points that count towards qualifying. No Wofford riders have qualified so far, and there are only three chances left to earn the required 28 points.
The next two shows are Feb. 21 and 22 hosted by Clemson University at the T. Ed Garrison Arena in Pendleton, S.C. The team invites all Wofford students, faculty and community members to join them at Clemson these two days, with shows starting at 9 a.m. and ending in the early afternoon.
“It’s a great day trip, just an hour away, and the support means a lot to us,” says Holden.
Students are also invited to travel to Charleston Feb. 28 for the final show of the season. If you would like more information on either of these weekends, please contact the team on Facebook (“Wofford College IHSA Equestrian Team”) or on Twitter (@WoCoEquestrian).
—Sarah Madden