Abbey Winslow ’21, me, Caitlyn Conner ’21, Kathryn Moren ’22 outside Toledo, Spain.
New experiences, new student body, new attitudes
It’s been more than a month since the semester started, and it’s finally getting cooler. Pretty soon the woodland-esque campus will be filled with orange and red, and fall fashion will be out in full force.
With changing seasons comes the apparent change in Wofford culture— coronavirus and racial inequality cou- pled with six months of isolation have undoubtedly altered our student body. We’ve finally settled into our new reality, and it’s a challenge.
Wearing masks is crucial to keeping everyone healthy right now. But that doesn’t make it any easier to have a constant reminder on your face that we are not safe around our friends, our professors, our community.
Last week, the Wofford Anti-Racism Coalition had its first on-campus demonstration; the frustration and passion among its participants was breathtaking. A complete outpouring of emotion, students and faculty came together to fight for change. It also gave the Wofford community an outlet to express their anguish over racial injustice that has taken place over hundreds of years, and has come to yet another head this summer.
Eight months ago, when COVID-19 was just a blurb on the New York Times homepage, I was studying abroad in Spain over interim with some of my best friends. Like everyone else, I had no idea this was my first and last chance to go abroad for the next few years.
I planned my spring schedule, excited to take classes with beloved professors. And although I was worn out, like all college students, that sense of optimism was still present.
Now, eight months later, every student at Wofford has been changed by their experiences. And now, we are adapting again to the energy of the New Wofford. It’s not easy.
Seasonal change always seems to come with personal growth, but that growth feels different this year. It’s like we have grown up too much too quickly—do you feel that too?
The weather is changing out there, and our campus is changing too. Let’s make sure those changes come from what we’ve learned from these past eight months.