Photo courtesy of Mark Olencki. Wofford’s current Campus Union members. Campus Union is the college’s student government organization and works to improve student experiences.
Campus Union at Wofford College is the governing association that works to create a valuable Wofford experience for the student body. Dylan Goshorn ’22 is the current student body president alongside John Jeffery III ’22, the student body vice president.
Goshorn explained that Campus Union’s role is to be the voice of students. “Every student at Wofford is a part of Campus Union,” Goshorn said.
“Campus Union is always working on things to help the student body assure the benefits and successes of students not just now, but in the future as well,” said Jeffery.
Campus Union meetings cannot host all of Wofford’s student body, making it the responsibility of the officers to relay the concerns, questions and opinions of the students inside the meetings.
Goshorn explained that, although it is not well-known to students, meetings are always open for students to attend. While it may be daunting to attend or address the assembly, Goshorn said that he always makes a point to allow students to comment, ask questions and announce information to the assembly.
Goshorn explained that, during the Campus Union assembly, every representative under the assembly is addressed. All executive chairs and subcommittees give their weekly rundown, followed by addressing and voting on any proposals.
This time last year, Campus Union was active in making statements and voting on proposals. There have not been profound statements released recently, leaving some students wondering what is coming from the assembly.
As officer elections took place at the beginning of October, the current Campus Union assembly is half existing and half new. On account of part of the assembly being new, they are still in the process of training new officers.
So far this academic year, the assembly has mostly followed through with funding of Wofford clubs. They have also accepted and funded proposals for recreational equipment in the Senior Village, more office supplies around campus and drug-testing coasters for beverages at the Greek Village.
Goshorn works closely with each year’s delegates, listening and contributing to their proposals. An example of this is his working alongside the junior class and the college in renaming the dorms which were named after individuals who were slave owners.
The statements and proposals that have been passed by Campus Union thus far in the semester have been funded but have not actively started. Furthermore, there are many large-scale projects that the assembly is discussing but has not received official acceptance to move forward with from the college.
Overall, although there may seem to be a lack of active work done in the Wofford community by Campus Union, there is active discussion and consideration to different projects coming soon.
During the 2021 spring semester the previous assembly passed a proposal confirming that they would relay information about every proposal to the students via social media. This would ensure that the Wofford community would be in the know of what they are working on currently.
Goshorn explained that the assembly is also in the process of redesigning their website. Their new platform will allow for more student involvement through features such as anonymous or onymous comments or questions for the assembly.
Encouraging students to engage with Campus Union seems to be one of Goshorn’s most prominent desires while serving as the student body president. He has worked alongside President Samhat in making them both as available to students as possible. They have hosted events outside the president’s house where students can enjoy dinner and converse with them.
Moving forward, Campus Union is hoping to work closely with students and hear their needs, especially after undergoing a semester full of adjustments due to the pandemic.