Photo by Hailey HirterThe Wofford Dance Club held a meeting on Feb. 9. Kidd taught a beginner hip-hop routine.
As a middle school student, Tianna Kidd ‘25 of Greenwood, South Carolina began cheering.
She continued doing so throughout high school and appreciated learning cheer style dance.
In the fall 2022 semester, Kidd resurrected her love for dance and took a dance course as her physical education credit at Wofford.Even though Kidd was never formally trained in a studio, she found a natural love and aptitude for dance of all styles.
Kidd received the opportunity to put student interests into action. This past September, Kidd served as an orientation staff leader for the Class of 2026.Through that experience, Kidd discovered that many of the first-year students had danced at some point prior to their arrival at Wofford.
Many students had taken classes growing up or even competed.“I have talked to a lot of people that have had dance experience but didn’t have an outlet at Wofford yet,” Kidd said.
Kidd saw a want in the Wofford community and followed through. Toward the beginning of Interim 2023, Kidd decided to create a dance club on campus.
Throughout the creation of this dance club, Kidd hopes that it will provide an avenue for more cultural dance clubs that will allow Wofford students to learn more about a variety of dances from different cultures.
In turn, the future organizations celebrating cultural dances should make Wofford a more diverse place.
Times of the meetings vary weekly and are decided based on GroupMe polls.Interested students can contact Kidd to be added to the GroupMe. The club meets at Richardson Physical Activities Building, specifically in the dance studio.
Kate Potter ‘26, a Wofford Dance Club member, danced all throughout her childhood and has loved every second of it.
Potter danced for 12 years and competed in lyrical and hip-hop.
“When I learned that there was a new dance club at Wofford, I felt a sense of excitement because, at that moment, I knew I had the opportunity to do what I love best while meeting others that love dancing,” Potter said. “(The Wofford) Dance Club is the perfect way for me to get in tune with the dancer that always remains a part of me, and I get to do it with some of my best friends, as well as new friends.”
Anyone can come at any time to drop in. The Wofford Dance Club maintains a relaxing and accepting environment for people of all backgrounds and experience levels.
To date, the Wofford Dance Club has learned lyrical, hip-hop and jazz. In the future, the Dance Club plans to learn majorette, ballet, K-Pop and “Dallas-Cowboy-Cheerleader” style routines.
Students interested in joining should contact the Wofford Dance Club instagram at or the Dance Club’s official email, [email protected].
Students may also directly contact Tianna Kidd at [email protected].