Every summer McCane leads a team of Wofford students on trip to Israel where they participate in an archaeological dig. Here he stands, middle, with the team from summer 2013 at the Jordan River.
Dr. Byron McCane will appear in a CNN documentary identified as a professor from Wofford College. The documentary is scheduled to air in the spring.
The six-part documentary focuses on “six objects that have had a little sizzle in the public imagination lately,” says McCane. “Each episode takes a close look at one of those objects.”
McCane talks about one of the objects.
“One of the episodes is on the James Ossuary. It has been very controversial within the last 10 years. It is a Jewish burial container from the first century that has an inscription on it: ‘James. Son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.’ And people have wondered if it’s the James from the Bible.” McCane estimates he has been to Israel around 25 times. Although he is an archaeologist, this was not his purpose for this particular trip. He served as a guide for the archaeological sites regarding each of the six objects, which are scattered all around the country.
“Early in each episode, viewers will get to listen to me walk them around the sites that are relevant to that episode’s object.”
One thing McCane enjoyed about the trip was the team he worked with. McCane says they got along well, and made the work experience enjoyable for each other. He was surprised to find out that one of the sound guys on his team once won an Emmy. Laughing, he says that the man didn’t even show up to the ceremony to receive the award because he was sure he wouldn’t win.
McCane says he enjoys being a part of documentaries.
“It think it’s part of the responsibility that we, the faculty, have. I think we have a responsibility to the general public to let them know about what we’re doing and what we’re finding out. Archaeology is a subject that most people find interesting, so it’s great fun to do these programs.”
Responsibility is one thing McCane does take seriously. Even from overseas he taught his Latin 101 class back home at Wofford through Skype.