Tatum Mogck
OMC Internships A filming crew came to Wofford's Campus to revamp their content
Internship experience is something that many students aim for during their undergraduate years. Wofford’s Office of Marketing and Communications is the perfect outlet for this at Wofford.
The application to be an intern with OMC is now live and can be found in the Daily Announcements or by contacting Mackenzie Syiem ‘23, one of the leaders of it. Hannah Kelly ‘26 has been working with this internship for the past year and has found it to be very helpful for her career.
“I have learned so many new skills in marketing and writing that I never would have experienced without this opportunity,” Kelly said. “I would highly recommend this experience to other students interested in anything related to marketing and communications.”
Kelly mentioned working with Syiem directly and how her guidance has impacted her. Syiem, a Wofford graduate, knows how difficult the transition from student to professional can be which is why OMC recommends this internship.
“Syiem, a marketing fellow, has a particular talent for mentoring student interns. She’s a 2023 graduate, so she understands what it means to transition from student to professional. With her guidance, we put students to work immediately,” said Jo Ann Brasington, vice president of marketing and communications. “Some write stories. Some design posters. Some manage projects. Some do market research.”
Each internship is tailored to what the student wants to pursue. For Kelly, this has been centered around social media. She can be seen in numerous Wofford College Instagram posts and videos showing off her skills.
“I got involved by reaching out to the office and stating my interests in social media. They responded by providing me with an opportunity to build my skills,” said Kelly. “My favorite part of the internship is how customizable it is depending on your areas of interest. I have found this internship very helpful in finding my future career path after Wofford.”
The internship is not just social media, however. Brasington mentioned the different talents of the students can be utilized to tailored their experience.
“(OMC) loves working with Wofford students. We offer internship experiences in fall, spring, summer and during Interim. While interns get a taste of all aspects of marketing, we also try to tailor experiences to student interest,” said Brasington. “Since we sort of serve as the college’s in-house advertising and public relations agency, there are lots of opportunities to write, design, create social media content, manage projects and learn what it means to be a member of a creative team.”
All majors are encouraged to apply, as the experience can be tailored to meet any desire. The application can be found in the Daily Announcements or on the OMC website.