Riding unfamiliar horses, riders competing on the flat are judged on rider position, the correctness of the horse at various gaits and the overall smoothness of the ride. Here, Day Harmening ’19 competes in an open level flat class, placing 5th.
An online exclusive look at the team’s first weekend of competition–
By: Sarah Madden, Senior Writer
The Wofford College IHSA equestrian team spent the weekend in Columbia, S.C. for their first two shows of the season, bringing home ribbons in each division offered. The team competed against schools such as Clemson University, the College of Charleston, Furman University, the University of South Carolina and many others.
Results are listed below with class and division listed. Six ribbons were awarded per class, with anywhere from 9-17 riders per class.
October 17 Results
Bennett Camp-Crowder ’17: 4th place on the flat, open division
Day Harmening ’19: 5th place on the flat, open division
Allison Andrews ’19: 2nd place over fences, intermediate division
Abby Umberger ’17: 5th place over fences, novice division
Mary Bradley Cassada ’19: 4th place on the flat, novice division
Gabby Stephens ’18: 6th place walk/trot division
October 18 Results
Camp-Crowder: 5th place on the flat, open division
Harmening: 5th place on the flat, open division AND 4th place over fences, open division
Andrews: 3rd place on the flat, intermediate division
Grace Edwards ’18: 4th place on the flat, intermediate division AND 2nd place over fences, novice division
Umberger: 6th place on the flat, novice division
Rhiannon Lemaster ’19: 5th place on the flat, novice division
Cassada: 5th place on the flat, novice division
Stephens: 2nd place walk/trot division
Sarah Madden ’17: 4th place advanced walk/trot/canter division
Other points of interest:
In the novice division over fences, Edwards qualified for regionals (held in the spring) by pointing out and will move up a division immediately.
All nine riders who attended the shows placed in at least one class on the second day of competition.
Five of the riders who attended the shows were new members of the team and had never before attended an IHSA competition, including Lemaster:
“It was challenging, but [this weekend] revealed all I’d learned and all I need to learn. I think we’re going to do really well this year!”
The next show will be hosted by the College of Charleston on November 14.
To keep up with the team via live-tweets, pictures and periodical Facebook updates, follow @WoCoEquestrian on Twitter and like “Wofford College IHSA Equestrian Team” on Facebook.
To read about the Equestrian team, click here!