Campus Union Delegate Lillian Fant announced her campaign for student body president.
By: Brie White, Staff Writer
Lillian Fant, Wofford College junior, has just announced her official run for Student Body President.
“I have been a fan of Wofford since practically birth,” Fant says. “Wofford has been my second home my whole life and now it’s my real home.”
Campus Union representative says, “I like being a representative. I’ve served on campus union for two years. I like people’s voices to be heard. I want to put concerns out there and I want the representatives to know what students think. I could be a good go between for the students and administration.”
The basic break down of Campus Union could be demonstrated through its structure. The cabinet consists of four people: the president, the vice president, the secretary and the treasurer. The rest of the assembly consists of six delegates per class and eight at large delegates. There are also chair positions, for example, WAC, and the parliamentarian.
Fant says, “Being in Campus Union previously has led me to see how everything happens by seeing it in actuality or talking with those that do.”
Fant notes that she has served on both the financial affairs committee and the elections and nominations committee.
“Presidential responsibilities include running meetings, meeting separately with Dean Bigger, meetings with the Board of Trustees when in town (twice a year) and giving reports to the board . . . you’re basically the figurehead of the student body and Campus Union’s liaison to the Board of Trustees.”
Other obligations include “giving speeches at orientation, explaining the honor pledge. You participate in a lot of publicity.”
Fant believes she possesses the ability to fulfill these criteria. She outlines the other criteria for a presidential candidate.
“First and foremost, a president is a leader; it’s important to have leadership qualities. You need to be a good communicator. You need to convey other opinions and ideas. You have to be able to express your beliefs while listening and respecting others. You need to be able to represent opinions that belong to people that you don’t agree with. You have to observant and empathetic. Lastly, you also need to be approachable. Anyone should feel like they can express any concerns they have with you. You need to be knowledgeable so you can direct others,” Fant says.
When asked about downfalls of being president, Fant says, “I think the most challenging thing is that there’s so much you want to accomplish as president but at the end of the day, you’re only a student and knowing that because you’re a student you have to go through the board or administration is frustrating . . . Or the fact you can’t please everyone which is just a fact of life. I like to make everyone happy, and that’s not always possible.”
“I just want to make sure that my passion for Wofford is conveyed, and I want Wofford to be a place where every student can love it as much as I do. If anyone has questions, or would like to ask me more directly about my campaign, please contact me.” Elections for the Student Body president are held before Spring Break.