By: Steele Smith, Staff Writer
Wofford’s annual celebration of Spring Weekend was another success bringing the campus together in new and unique ways. April 21-22 offered opportunities for the student community to relax and enjoy the sun before the last three weeks of the semester.
In addition to traditional events such as the volleyball tournament and water games, this year featured events that encouraged students to celebrate Earth Day. The Wofford Outdoors Club hosted a festival on Saturday that included a climbing wall, slacklining, food trucks, music, skills stations and kayaking in the fountain.
“I think it was a nice addition to have Earth Day included in Spring Weekend,” says sophomore Chris-Marie Menseh. “I’m glad the campus is turning some of its attention towards thinking about protecting the planet.”
Menseh noted that the weather was perfect for the events both Friday and Saturday. She says, “Last year it was cold on Saturday, but this year the temperature was really warm. I feel like that encouraged a lot more people to turn out. There was even a little breeze that made things extra comfortable.”
With the Greek Village being newly finished, the Friday night band party was able to take place around the pavilion stage. Saturday’s festivities were held in the field beside the Greek Village.
“I though the change of locations was sick,” says Tehaam Waraich ’18 of his third Spring Weekend at Wofford. “Honestly, it gave the whole weekend a different vibe. Being able to sit on the hill behind the village, hang out and watch the volley tournament was definitely an improvement on previous Spring Weekends.”
“It was one hell of a time,” says Cole Sanford ’19. “It was definitely an improvement over last year.”
The change in location enabled the creation of a water slide to compliment the presence of various inflatables. “It was so wet this year. There was the water slide and we had a pool at my fraternity’s house. Next year I think we need to build a better slide system, maybe with a jump-in pool,” suggests Sanford.
Despite the struggle to see its construction completed and the parameters of its use falling into question, the Greek Village has served as place to allow all of campus to enjoy social events like Spring Weekend.
“Spring Weekend is one of those events that every Wofford student looks forward to all year,” says Waraich. “It’s important that its done right and that its done well. This year’s weekend was definitely a great one, and I hope it continues to grow and get better, even after I graduate.”