Savannah Caffy, Emily Bacher and Alexis Chester are all current chemistry students and thankful to have a mentor like Dr. Bass.
When asked to nominate a faculty member by Kappa Alpha Theta Headquarters for the Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year Award, the sisters of Zeta Eta unanimously chose Dr. Charlie Bass, professor of chemistry at Wofford College for more than 20 years.
Seniors Savannah Mack and Elizabeth Ramsey were asked to write Bass’ nomination letter and their thoughts are indicative of the sentiments of the entire chapter: “Bass has, year in and year out, shown unwavering support for all of his students. Not only does he encourage us to aim high academically, but also urges us to achieve our goals outside of the classroom as well.”
Mack and Ramsey explain that during recruitment last year, Bass offered to hold a special study session to accommodate Greek women participating in recruitment weekend.
“During Greek Week this past spring, Dr. Bass stopped by our group to take pictures and wish us luck. As many of us refer to him as an honorary Theta, he even asked to have a kite painted on his arm,” says Mack.
Mack and Ramsey were thrilled when they were notified of Bass’ selection. More than 110 applications were received from chapters across the United States and Canada, and Bass was among nine other faculty members in North America to receive the award for the 2013-2014 academic year.
When initially notified of his selection as a Top Ten Outstanding Faculty Member, Bass said, “I am speechless. This means more to me than you can possibly imagine.”
In a statement about the Top Ten Faculty program, fraternity President Laura Ware Doerre says, “We encourage our members in their academic pursuits, and we developed the Top Ten Faculty program to recognize the faculty members who support, challenge and mentor these women on a daily basis.”
Bass was also chosen as the Greek Life Faculty Member of the Year for Wofford College this past spring, demonstrating his support of all Greeks at Wofford.
“Words do not adequately express the dedication Dr. Bass shows to his students, Greek or non-Greek,” says Ramsey. “He gives up Friday afternoons and weekends to hold study sessions to clarify complex material, and additionally acts as an advisor for practically every student who knocks on his door.”
When asked what he believes are the benefits of Greek Life at Wofford, Bass noted the philanthropic opportunities, the camaraderie and the organization skills that being a member of Greek life provides students.
The members of the Zeta Eta chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta nominated Bass because they believe he exemplifies the ideal relationship between a faculty member and the students they teach. He is dedicated to helping his students achieve personal excellence and pursue high scholarship.
“He represents the values we as Thetas hold dear,” says Mack. “Dr. Bass has become a mentor to many in our chapter, and we feel very blessed to have him guiding us into our futures.”
When asked how he feels about receiving this award, Bass pauses and says, with a tear in his eye, “It makes me very happy.”