Now that fall is in the air, there’s no better way to start the new season than to spend your time giving back to the Spartanburg community. You may be thinking: “Where do I get involved? What organizations are out there? What is going on this month?” Have no fear; there’s plenty going on around Spartanburg to plug you in service-wise, catering to all types of interests and majors. If you’re ready to take the next step, here is a list of what is going on this month around Spartanburg to begin your quest for service:
Chapman Cultural Center:
The Chapman Cultural Center—conveniently located right near campus off of East St. John Street—is looking for volunteers in an array of areas including:
The Arts Partnership
History Museum
The Spartanburg Little and Youth Theatre
The Spartanburg Science Center
And more!
For more information, contact the Chapman Cultural Center at: 864.542.ARTS or www.chapmanculturalcenter.org
HOPE Center for Children:
The Hope Center for Children is a local non-profit organization that works towards fighting child abuse and neglect in South Carolina. Their office in Spartanburg is always looking for extra hands and volunteers—whether that may be working with children or families, tutoring, cooking or working in their office.
For more information, visit their website at: http://www.hopecfc.org/volunteer.php or contact them by phone at: 864-583-7688
Spartanburg County Public Library:
Conveniently located on S. Church St just minutes away from campus, the public library is always in need of a huge number of volunteers. Some of the opportunities include: serving as a homebound material selector, volunteering at health fairs, being a book recycler or organizing books. All you have to do is fill out an application, turn it back in to any Spartanburg County Public Library branch, arrange a quick interview and you’ll be able to serve thereafter.
Looking to serve here? Contact the Spartanburg County Library at: 864-596-3500 or visit their website at: http://www.infodepot.org/zSupport/volunteer.asp
Other volunteer opportunities:
Looking for more opportunities that aren’t listed that maybe fit your interests? Visit
http://spartanburg.com/wpbdm-category/volunteer-ops/ to take a look at some local organizations, both non-profit or for profit, that are looking for volunteers.