In Spartanburg County alone, there are nearly 30 senior living facilities that encompass many members of the outstretched community.
This semester is the beginning of the first year for a new organization on campus, Meaningful Connections. The founder, Victoria Davis ‘26, started the organization with a couple of her peers in order to establish connections beyond the so-called “Wofford bubble.”
The mission of Meaningful Connections is to volunteer in nursing homes in the surrounding areas and bring interaction to such a distinct elderly population.
“We want to get involved and bring joy to residents whose lives have been really isolated,” Davis explained. “These are underserved members of our community.”
As of right now, Meaningful Connections is volunteering at Pacifica Senior Living, located approximately three miles away from Wofford’s campus on Skylyn Drive.
Pacifica Senior Living is home to residents from over ninety communities in 13 states across the country and was more than willing to let Wofford students lend a hand.
“The plan is to just volunteer at Pacifica our first year,” Davis said. “However, if we get more members, we will look into other places to get involved at.”
A student and member of Meaningful Connections, Nate Hopkins ‘26, became really passionate about the mission of the organization due to having familial connections to a senior living facility.
“Having a grandma in assisted care really incentivized me to join the club because I wanted to make a difference in elderly peoples lives like my grandmother,” Hopkins said.
Hopkins plans to connect the club back to his grandmother’s nursing home that is located further in the upstate.
The organization’s interactions are aimed to sway the isolation of the elderly in senior living establishments.
Meaningful Connections plans to write letters throughout the week to Pacifica Senior Living. The group will meet Fridays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the library. Every other Sunday, the group plans to make a special visit to Pacifica.
The organization’s first Sunday at Pacifica involves creating holiday arts and crafts with the residents.
“I have plans to start movie nights and to get more arts and crafts and games,” Davis said.
The first group meeting was on Dec. 9 and was called “Cards and Cookies.” The premise of the get-together was for students to write a card to an elderly resident at Pacifica and thus receive a cookie for doing so.
The faculty sponsor for Meaningful Connections and Wellness Center Counselor Kellie Buckner was in full support of Davis’s plan as she was her FYI advisor this fall.
“My impression is that Davis and the other club members are very motivated and prepared to do what they set out to do,” Buckner explained. “She was very organized, prepared and clear about her mission.”
Davis has completed thorough research on this topic and is ready to get more people involved to make a difference. She encourages people to come to a meeting and write a card to a resident soon.
Meaningful Connections can be reached on their instagram account, @wocomeaningfulconnections.