Arcadia University is the liaison between Wofford and the University of Melbourne, where I’m currently studying. While Arcadia has a traditional college campus just outside of Philadelphia, it is also a global community with programs that facilitate study abroad experiences all over the world.
During my time here, Arcadia has aided me with guidance, a place to live and friendships that are now irreplaceable to me, whilst providing an outlet to help navigate an entirely new place and experience. Arcadia has not left any of my questions unanswered and has provided assistance that is comparable to the diligence that makes Wofford distinctive.
Now past the halfway point in my time here in Australia, I can confidently say that the study abroad experience has bettered my personhood. I am more confident in my ability to deal with unexpected situations and better able to navigate scenarios of physical and cultural difficulty. My horizons have been broadened in the sense that I am better able to acknowledge differing perspectives without judgment. I have been academically, socially, intellectually, emotionally and physically challenged through this journey; however, despite a few bumps in the road, I have thrived. I believe this to be in part due to Wofford’s preparation for this journey.
The International Program at Wofford is lively and connective. Responsible for the relationships with organizations like Arcadia University, the International Programs team facilitates an enlightening experience for a number of Wofford students, be it in summer, semester or interim studies. Their office and staff work diligently to make opportunities like mine possible and successful. Scheduling a consulting appointment or completing an application is easy and can lead to an experience that will irrevocably change you for the better, as well.