1. How would you define sexual harassment or misconduct?
As defined in the Wofford College Sex ual Misconduct Policy: Prohibited sexual misconduct is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature perpetrated against an individual without effective consent or when an individual is unable to freely give consent. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, rape, sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation and relationship violence. Sexual assault is any actual, attempted or threatened sexual act with another person without effective consent or when a victim is unable to give consent. Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature and can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as sexual assault or acts of sexual violence.
2. How do you think Wofford compares to other campuses around the country?
The college has committed to ensuring that we, as an institution, are not only compliant with federal mandates, but also constantly seeking to provide a safe and healthy campus free from gender discrimination and sexual misconduct. Our policies and prevention programming is consistent with other best-practice institutions.
3. Do you think that the recent cases on other college campuses will impact how Wofford views or deals with sexual assault/misconduct/harassment?
The impact from recent cases on other campuses is to learn lessons from them. Wofford does not tolerate sexual misconduct or harassment. The college has a strong policy with procedures in place for dealing with sexual misconduct and harassment, and it will be strictly followed and enforced.
4. How does Wofford deal with these cases?
The college deals with these cases by following the policy. The college will conduct a thorough, reliable and impartial investigation using a prompt, effective and equitable process to end the conduct and prevent its recurrence.
5. What can students do to help?
We would like to see our student body take an active stand against sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct. By intervening in a problematic situation, our students can be active bystanders and have great impact regard- ing this topic. The first step is recognizing there is a problem and then stepping in or getting help from others.
6. Is there anything that you would want anyone who has gone through this to know in the aftermath as they try to reassemble their lives?
We would encourage students to find support whether it is on or off campus. Wofford has a lot of resources available including our counselors through the Wellness Center. We recommend that all students read through the sexual misconduct policy as it provides additional resources and information.
7. Freshmen this year participated in a Title IX meeting. How successful do you think this was?
We received positive feedback from students that attended the program. Many shared that the content delivery was interactive and engaging; and it provided awareness of gender discrimination, sexual assaults on college campuses and tips for healthy relationships.
8. Do you think that you will have the same type of meeting again next year for the incoming freshmen?
As we get closer to the fall semester, the college will look at various educational programs that are available. We have used Sex Signals over the last several years and have been pleased with its content. We are also using an online sexual assault prevention program called Haven: Understanding Sexual Assault. Each first year student was required to complete the course before arriving to campus. We plan to use the same program or something similar to continually spread awareness of this topic.
9. How do you think that social media plays into this issue today?
Social media has exposed the nation to the depth and seriousness of sexual assault on college campuses. Some of the exposure has had an adverse effect
on victims reporting an assault. But, the positive aspect has propelled colleges to review and re-address their campus environment, to reform the community through awareness education and training and provide options for reporting.

What to do and who to call
If you are a victim:
- Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
- Try to preserve all physical evidence and place in a paper bag.
- Do not bathe if you intend to report the misconduct.
- Get medical attention as soon as possible.
- Contact Campus Safety.
- Talk with a counselor who will maintain confidentiality.
- Contact someone you trust, such as a close friend, to be with you and support you.
Wofford College strongly supports and encourages reporting of sexual misconduct. Reporting provides resources to victims and contributes to keeping the campus secure.
Sexual misconduct should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Carole Lister, director of human resources at 597-4230 or Title IX Deputy Coordinator, Matthew Hammett, assistant dean of students for student involvement at 597-4048.
More information on sexual miscon- duct and reporting is in the Sexual Misconduct Policy: wofford.edu/studentorganizations (Campus Life Home)and wofford.edu/ humanresources (Title IX)
- Campus Emergency, 911, 4911 or 597-4911
- Campus Safety, 597-4350
- VP Student Affairs and Dean of Students, 597-4044
- Associate VP of Student Affairs, 597-4371
- Asst. Dean of Students for Student Involvement, 597-4048
- Director of Diversity and Inclusion, 597-4043
- Chaplain’s Office, 597-4051 • Director of Wellness Center, 597-4367
- Asst. Director of Wellness, 597-4367 • Campus Counseling, 597-4373 or 4370
- Human Resources, 597-4230
- Spartanburg City Police, 596-2096 • Spartanburg County Sheriff, 503-4500 or 596-2222
- Spartanburg County Special Victims Unit, 503-4509, 4625, 4626 or 4627 • Safe Homes Rape Crisis Coalition, 583-9803 or 1-800-273-5066
- National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN), 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)