By: Sarah Madden, Senior Writer
Nine members of the Wofford equestrian team traveled to Charleston for their final competition of the season on March 4, taking an eighth place team finish out of 11 teams in the region.
For the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, which includes 10,000 competitors around the country, seniors were honored with gifts from the organization. Seniors Sarah Madden and Abby Umberger were both honored, though Umberger was absent.
Though the team struggled to place in large classes, freshman Logan Stevens took her first blue ribbon. “My goal is to get any ribbon today,” she said to her Instagram followers that morning.
Two Wofford riders qualified for regionals this year, held Sunday, March 5, but due to an IHSA clerical error sophomore Mary Bradley Cassada was unable to compete. Madden competed in the advanced walk trot canter division in a field of 18 riders, but was not called back for the retest and therefore did not qualify for zones.
Grace Edwards ’18: Sixth place on the flat in the open division
Sarah Madden ’17: Sixth place on the flat in the novice division
Lindsay Stevens ’20: First place on the flat in the beginner walk trot canter division
Lindsey Goan ’19: Fifth place on the flat in the beginner walk trot canter division