Are you looking for a bite of local cuisine? Do you want something affordable and delicious? Venus Pie will exceed your expectations to infinity and beyond.
We, Jonathan Franklin and Ashlee Moody, hit Sparkle City to find unique and hidden eateries that Wofford students will enjoy.
We are calling our restaurant review “Woffordspoon: serving our fellow students a taste of Spartanburg.”
Our first stop was Venus Pie, located on 400 E Main St, tucked away in a 100 year old building but complete with modern flair.
Venus Pie is celebrating its 15th year anniversary this year and after all this time, it is still a family-owned business under the same ownership as when it began.
“Pizza is what we do,” says Venus Pie employee Stephen Long.
And pizza is what college students like to eat, especially if it’s affordable and delicious. We knew the pizza was going to be exceptional when we entered to an aroma of New York style pizza and saw fresh dough being hand-tossed in the open-air kitchen.
“I ordered the 16” half cheese and half pepperoni pizza complete with homemade pizza sauce,” says Franklin. “It was love at first bite.”
“And I ordered the Spinach Salad, complete with artichokes, onion, banana and bell peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, feta cheese and homemade red wine vinaigrette,” says Moody. “I knew it was meant to be when I saw it was their famous (but only) salad on the menu. It must be good if they don’t have any other options.”
Besides the food, another good thing about our Venus Pie experience was the wait time when it came to preparing our food. Usually, when going to restaurants it seems like you are waiting for forever and a day. But with Venus Pie, we placed our order and within little to no time, our food was ready. Long said Venus Pie wants to extend the pizza options on the menu, but they aren’t going to stray from their staple.
“We’re sticking to New York style pizza. We don’t have wings or other options like that but it works.”
The restaurant is currently in the first stages of being remodeled. Updates will include a stage for live music, new decorations to enhance the dining experience, and even a wall being taken out to open up the restaurant for more seating.
Venus Pie is looking to expand their community outreach by having local bands perform in-house to attract customers like us: students.
They are also hoping to support more fundraisers and offer community events so their business becomes a community hub.
Alright, Wofford students…step out of The Bubble and try something new! You won’t regret the food selection Venus Pie has to offer.

— Ashlee Moody and Jonathan Franklin